The middle of this week was 10-08-08. The day my father would have turned 100. Not something I think he really wanted to experience, but I missed him especially that day.
Early this week was still wet, but later it turned into a beautiful week to work. Cool and pleasant. There were a lot of loose ends to tie up before we finally could get to laying the first floor subfloor. So we spent the early part of the week doing things like the seismic hold-downs required here in this part of the world. When the time finally came, it felt great to move up to the first floor.
Physically it was hard work -- especially the beginning when there were not yet sheets of ply down so all the work was done from being perched on the joists. I did the first four sheets (the ones behind me in this pictture) alone while Sebastian muscled the hold-downs on. It was tough work but doing it, especially alone, was very

This weekend I have a lot less skin on my knees than usual! In fact, I'm pretty sore. The tractor proved invaluable again, this time in bring piles of plywood up to the platform.

You can see that here, to the left. Week ended with the first floor decking on, the nail gun returned to rental section with no stray nails in flesh, a new outpost for our block cutting tools complete with tent-- as seen here:

We even got a few of the door frames in place. Next week I will start making all the window bucks so that we can place where they go as we reach them in the block laying.... and we will get moving up with first floor walls.....
Here is Jennifer this afternoon, contemplating how small her door to the patio will becompared to present open space:

Hope for more dry than wet in the great Pac. NW, so that next week's postings are truly NEW looking.