The wild Irises continue to pop up everywhere, making our little paradise particularly enchanting at this time of year.
Well -- I wanted to dive in, but the point was to see it this way: 
This was a week of many different tasks, only some of which show up in pics. One nice one is the final piece of metal siding -- the window seat. It's the only ground floor part of the house that won't get Lime stucco.
I installed the kitchen door and also started framing the hip roofs that form little covered areas at the front and kitchen door. Real head buster because of all the angles and critical levels that have to be matched, but I think I'm figuring it out.

I jumped off a ladder onto this concrete slab-- averting a fall -- but landed stiff kneed. Lots of pain.... am hoping its a passing thing, but the intensity of it is a little worrisome.
I also installed some temporary doors at the front and the basement door openings -- since I haven't built these yet. THese are from the local recycling center. Nice color clash, but they do the trick and the house can now actually be closed up entirely. 
WIsh me healing luck!