On Tuesday the footings for our building were poured, at last.
Footings are part of the foundation. THey are the concrete pads that will accept the walls of the building. Once they are all set, a slab gets poured above and inbetween -- which will be the floor of the basement. Before the concrete arrived, things looked like a web of lumber with rebar placed inside, as required to reinforce the building.
Here are a couple of shots of what the thing has been looking like, before this final phase.
Because our rd/driveway is so steep in places, the cement trucks could not be loaded very high, because the cement can simply pour out the back of that spinning cylinder that you've seen on the highway. Thus it took three trucks.
THey are big and heavy and little scarey
when they pull in here, but all was well under control.
ANyhow, at the end of the day yesterday things looked more like this:
Next week I'll be on my own here -- with the helper that I arranged for yesterday, so we'll see how we can move this baby up after that!
If none of you come and visit, guess who'll be the only one enjoying our makeshift terrace:
Will keep you posted, so check in and be heard from.
Whoa nelly,
this is WAY more than a "you go girl"!!
Congratulations on this enormous first step, made after so very many other steps. I'm awed at what has taken place so far. I'm working contract for a green architect who had your "fastwall" folks in for a lunch/product intro. I could not attend but figured out who they were and asked if they knew you on the way out the door, "Oh yes! Beatrice has a big job on her hands" he said.
No kidding. You're amazing and we are impressed. We look forward to the blogging progress sending all our love and lots of support from Seattle.
Lydia and Robert
Nice work! I'm confused though...The cement squares are the building blocks or the footings that set the slabs for the floor and then you start with the blocks? Are those the blocks on the edge of the pit?!? Should I just stick to the pretty pictures and stop asking questions? I am glad Fred is there to help. I worry so..:) Sending lots of love, Cyn
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