Things are proceeding here, but there just wasn’t too much photo worthy last week and you were all busy eating turkey and such, so I waited. Winter's here.

We're having a cold snap right now, but we've got a toasty and dry workplace (if not so much the living space we're still in...) . Quite a contrast to the trials of last year at this time. Although we have been firing the Tulikivi, we haven't done anything with the warming oven -- but it's been getting warm!

It’s the home stretch of getting the walls done. A little bit more of that – meaning me getting the trim finished up so that Sebastian can get the wall plastered – this coming week and we’ll be all done with walls!

I have enjoyed the opportunity to woodwork, but I won’t be sorry to be done with window trim! And doors. Here’s the back door into the kitchen. The odd shape of the plaster – can you see those lines of wood? – is because we’re not putting two coats of plaster behind the cabinets. Only a finish coat where the wall will be exposed.
And here' s the bedroom, all finished.
View up the stairs (still the temporary ones. The finals are on the drawing board, and they get placed a top the flooring, when it has gone down.) 
Almost all the interior floor tile is layed now too, and last week we grouted the laundry room to try that out. Came out pretty well...
Last week we also did a lot of prep work in hopes of getting to wall tiles in the two bathrooms this week. The red goop is a waterproofing film that goes behind the tiles where there's wood framing behind.
Here’s a shot of the flooring stacked in front of the living room windows. (The new pile.... the one that appeared in pictures months ago having gone back to its substandard manufacturer.... Oy) I’m eager to get to work on laying this floor, but it really needs at least one more week to acclimate before that work can start in earnest. It’s not like I don’t have some other things to do in the meantime!
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